Hike, Capture Photo Memories and Write



Hike Yellowstone


Two to five mile, moderate to easy.

Statistics say that 95% of Yellowstone's visitors never get off the road.  Don't be a statistic, take a short hike with your guide after your car tour and experience the quiet and beauty of Yellowstone's backcountry.  The hike will be selected based on your fitness level and interest.

These hikes are designed  for anyone  who wishes to get off of the roads of Yellowstone and experience the backcountry while forming new friendships with other women.  The hikes will have a leisurely pace to maximize the experience by just enjoying the scenery or time to capture memories with your camera.  Photo instruction is not included but making memories is.  At the half-way point, we will stop for lunch or a snack and to write about our experience from a stream of consciousness point of view in order to capture the essence of how you feel being out in nature.  We may or may not read what we have written to the group.  We will only write for 5 minutes.

These hikes will last 3 to 5 hours.  However, you can add a hike to your half day wildlife tour, or schedule one on a different date.  


Sturdy shoes and long pants, sun screen, day pack, water bottle and long-sleeved layer, rain gear, snacks or lunch, small notebook and pen.


Bear spray provided for hike.  Your guide will show you how to use this.

Trekking pole for each individual.  


Starting at $150.00, flat rate, per person

Ask about private group hike rates

Add a hike to your half-day tour, or schedule a private hike

Please contact for date availability and to ask questions, debydixon@mac.com